i don't know it's a tricky question really why do we love?
do we love becoz that's wat keep us going in life?giving us a purpose to live?
maybe that's wat u would say
but wat about others!
let me ask u something else.. do u search for love?
do u wake up everyday and say i hope i find it today?
does it go this way for u?
wat does love give us really..does it change us from the inside
do u love coz u need to be happy although that sometimes there are sadness inbetween
wat does love give us
that word it self is tempting to anyone
spending our time thinking of it
i will try to talk more about it
but really let me ask u..
1-do u need to love and to be loved?
2-do u think so much in that subject?
3-do u search for it? and why?
4-and finally do u believe in love?
do we love becoz that's wat keep us going in life?giving us a purpose to live?
maybe that's wat u would say
but wat about others!
let me ask u something else.. do u search for love?
do u wake up everyday and say i hope i find it today?
does it go this way for u?
wat does love give us really..does it change us from the inside
do u love coz u need to be happy although that sometimes there are sadness inbetween
wat does love give us
that word it self is tempting to anyone
spending our time thinking of it
i will try to talk more about it
but really let me ask u..
1-do u need to love and to be loved?
2-do u think so much in that subject?
3-do u search for it? and why?
4-and finally do u believe in love?
اسئلة في مكانها ويمكن في وقتها بالنسبة لي .. محدش بيصحي الصبح ويقول انا النهاردة بادور علي حد احبه .. والحب غير الاعجاب والتعود والمعايشة .. الحب مالوش تفسير غير انها قلوب تتآلف من عند ربنا الموضوع دة
لكن الواحد بيحب لية .. علشان يحس انه عايش .. علشان الدنيا يبقي لها معني الحب بيدي الانسان شعور رائع واحساس بالرضي لما يكون مفهوم الحب هو العطاء
يا هلا بيك
اجاباتك فعلا مقنعة
فعلا الواحد بيحب علشان يحس ان هو عايش
اشكرك كثيرا على مرورك بالبلوج..
وردودك الجميله:)
Sometimes life leads you blind
To the one you've been waiting to find
Sometimes life lets you see
Just how great the gift of love can be
Now the light that fires the brightest stars
Is waiting to shine on this moment of (all blogers)
it`s all i can say for 2night
or actualy (Michael Bolton)
d:one last thing
mink lellah
يا هلا يا هلا
كلمات غاية فى الروعة
شكرا انك شاركتنا بيها
يعنى يا سلاام لما اصحى من النوم و اقرئها كده
ربنا يخليك لمصر يا ادهم
ومنى لله ليه بس؟؟
ده انا حتى غلبانه خالص اهو
حتى شوف:(
الحب بإختصار شديد هو عالم آخر موازي للعالم الطبيعي الذي نعيشه بحالتنا الطبيعية ..!!
الحب ليس حاجة في الحياة ، الحب هو الحياة نفسها .
على فكرة .. هذه القطعة بغيضة ، وهذه التساؤولات أكرهها ، لأنها ضد الحب ، وتحاول إقناعك بإن الحب حاجة ما ، وشيء يمكن الإستغناء عنه . هذه قطعة مفخخة ضد الحب .
احمد البخارى:
يا سلاام يا سلااام
والله فرحتنى بوجودك يا احمد
عموما انت عارفنى مظنش ابدا انى ممكن اتسائل عن الحب لانى مش مقنعه بوجودة او حتى مش حاسه انه اهم شىء فى حياة الواحد!
بس انت عارف انى كنت دايما بكتب عن الم الحب!
وهنا انا بسئل الناس عن ارائهم عنه
مش معنى انى مقتنعه انا وانت بحاجه ان الناس كلها مقتنعين ان الحب ده الحياه!
فانا حبيت اعرف الناس بتفكر ازاى
هل فى حد زى فى تفكيرى
ولا انا عاطفية زيادة عن اللزوم مثلا!!
فهى قطعة للتسائل عن افكار الناس ليس اكثر..
ونورت البلوج والله
The Need of Love, that's not a tricky question, its just as U said previously, for some its just the battary to get up and go to work and do everything, or as you said what keeps 'em goin.
for others its just an accessory, you can live without it..
Searching for love is a very important task for some people who might need that love, and for others "searching" for it ain't the thing they 'd do.
I did my own search for years, and I end up with nothing, actually with losing alot, and once I really stoped searching love found me, and it was really ironic when you search your whole life for something, get tired ad stop, then it comes to you, and what makes it exceedingly sadly ironic when you lose it after you 've found it.
you can't love if you don't believe in love, and alot search, cause its one of the most well-meaning things anyone can do, but love is one of the things you rn't suppose to search for, you just be prepared to get it right once you 've found it.
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